The true you is already Eternal Victory in every aspect. Now let me show you how to outpicture that down here and Become Invincible, Eternal Mastery of your Life! How to Transcend those human limitations into your true self, your unlimited Divine! 
The true you is already Eternal Victory in every aspect. Now let me show you how to outpicture that down here and Become Invincible, Eternal Mastery of your Life! How to Transcend those human limitations into your true self, your unlimited Divine! 

The true you is already Eternal Victory in every aspect. Now let me show you how to outpicture that down here and Become Invincible, Eternal Mastery of your Life! How to Transcend those human limitations into your true self, your unlimited Divine! 

All life needs Healing, Divine Solutions and Resolutions. Are you ready to become closer and closer to your True Divine Self, and therefore take full Control and become the Victory of Light in every aspect of your being and world? Your Health, your Finances, your Business, or place of employment, your Relationships, and much more?

Eternal Victory is the Permanent Healing of your Life in greater and greater Victories for you.

Are you ready to Fulfill, Sustain and Expand your own Divine Plan of your embodiment here? 

If YES, then let me take you on a unique journey of happiness that will Transform you into Eternal Victory of Light here and now; and beyond time...

Join our Community today. 

Learn, Apply and Become your own proof.

Let's go!

Dr. Mariana Light

Join me Here and Now
Let me introduce myself
Let me introduce myself

Greetings, my name is Dr. Mariana Light. My training is in Natural Holistic Medicine, Divine Science, Divine Nutrition and Herbal Medicine, Cosmic Light's Anti Aging Wisdom, Sacred Knowledge of Divine Laws and Truths of Life, Energy, Sound, Vibration and Frequency which all amounts to one unique Healing Light Service System I developed and teach for the practical everyday solutions that actually work once applied to any life's challenge whether individually, collectively or beyond on physical, mental, emotional and etheric levels of one's being and world.  This System can be applied for Self Actualization of Eternal Victory of Light and the Fulfillment of one's own Divine Plan and Destiny in this embodiment without fail... My Mission is to Heal, Educate, Inspire and help others Expand the Sacred Light Knowledge of Divine Truths of Life exactly as given to me by my Teachers of the Higher Realms of Light: Beloved Jesus the Christ, Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Mother Mary, and many Others of the Ascended and Cosmic Beings, as well as my own Individualized Presence of God, which beats my heart as my only Guides in this world...

Early on in my childhood I have discovered my unique Clairvoyant and Healing Gifts which have expanded into radiating Healing Light Service through me to others, through many Light experiences, which the outer world would term Miracles...

I have developed a unique healing Divine Technology with numerous health protocols, products, recipes, gardening solutions, lifestyle and much more for my own health brand YES! and have helped thousands of people heal even the so called incurables while thriving in their own Mastery of Life... which is what you will be able to access here...

Have you ever wondered what is this life all about?
Have you ever wondered what is this life all about?

Most people come into this world and unfortunately do not fulfill their Divine Plan of Life.

Most do not even know that there is such a thing as their Divine Plan and that they also have their own unique Purpose here.

Many live by the inertia of the mass human consciousness half asleep, yet deep within each one's soul they do feel that there must be much more to life, there must be "something" that is all Wonderful and of only the Divine Truth of Life, rather than limited human and which is the underlining Principle of Divinity of ever expanding Harmony and Perfection that each one can obtain here and now on every aspect of one's being...

When you join our community here you will be taught the Divine Way to Live Life in every aspect of your being and world, freeing yourself of human mistakes, preventing problems before they approach and become the example of the Divine Laws of Life exactly as the Great Host of Light wants you to know unveiling the "traps in this world" which are nothing but limited human confusion... You will learn how to apply these Truths in every aspect of your life, be it your health, nutrition, food prep and cooking, lifestyle, financial and business solutions, relationships and most importantly you will know and become certain in the Pathway to your own Divine Christ Self and Eternal Victory of Light to and through you...

I am here to Help... 

Become Invincible Mastery
Become Invincible Mastery

Many people wade through this world and find out some truth, yet have a lot of confusion preventing them to live and accomplish their Divine Plan here... They may have some success and some loss, some victories and then some defeats, some satisfaction and some disappointments, some happiness and some sadness... They may live by trial and error, which is a mediocre way of living...and truly not God's Way to live life...

There is a better way, and this is The Way that I am here to Point to those that are ready to become so much more than they have ever dreamed of here and now...

Most people relay on the limited human senses (what you see, hear, touch, taste, perceive) and the collective human-mass conciousness experiences about what can be possible... they may compare themselves to others, and are trying to figure out by the limited human examples around them and or from the past going through much struggle and much difficulties to obtain what ever they think will bring them Happiness...

Yet, there is a Divine Way to accomplish, learn, and apply the Knowledge God's Way, which is the most practical Way out of humanly made limitations...

Let me point The Way
Let me point The Way

To know truly who you are, why are you here in this realm, and how to become the Invincible and Unconquerable Eternal Victory of Light in a visible tangible way and in every aspect of your being and world here and a narrow Path...yet the most rewarding!

While it is and always has been a Divine Plan for all to never lack for any good thing and Be Divine, it is a Mastery of Life and a journey that is far beyond limited human concepts...which need to be Transmuted into your True Christ Self...

This is why I have been asked to give this Healing Light Service to mankind and Point the Way to those that are Ready to place their feet steady upon The Pathway of Light and Become their own Mastery and Visible Tangible Evidence in this embodiment without fail...

If this interests you, then you are in the right place...

Then join our Community here and stay with me...

You will not be disappointed when you do...

Are you ready?  

Watch and Thrive!

When you Join our Community you can watch daily, practice and engage in the Cosmic Holy Fire Christ Light Contemplation Meditations as revealed to me by Beloved Friends, the Great Host of Christ Light and observe your progress daily. 

You can participate in my group Healing Light Services which Transmit Light Healing to individuals, Nature, Nations and the world...

You will learn about my Divine Health and Longevity Protocols, Healing Protocols, Divine Food Prep, Elixir Drinks, Mastery Lifestyle and much more...

I am Radiating and Transmitting NEW content weekly as the Revelations are Gifted...

I take no credit for any of my work, as God is the only doer through this outer self...

Energy Boost Contemplation Meditation

Let the Sacred Fire and Cosmic Light Radiation Uplift and Energize your body, mind, feelings and your entire day! 

Brain Clearing Contemplation Meditation

Sacred Fire Radiation Improves your Focus and Memory (short and long term), Purifies the brain structure, clears the pathways in your cellular structure.

Your Source Connection Contemplation Meditation

Connect with your Source of Life that knows all, sees all, hears all and gives you insights and foresights to solve all problems. 

Cellular Renewal Contemplation Meditation

Apply this daily and witness the Rejuvenation of your physical form on the cellular levels. This helps to Rejuvenate the entire body. 


The Cosmic Light is always with you! Learn to use it!

Let me show you how to turn every challenge or problem, and every situation be it good or bad, or be it mediocre into your Eternal Victory of Light, which means that which is of God's Perfection, without fail! 

When you experience it you will know it and none can take it away from you!

Join our community

Let us see what experiences came about through this Healing Light System put together by Dr. Mariana Light...

 I am my Own Testimony
Healed Relationships
Healing Light Service
New Life Experience
I am my Own Testimony

The Holy Fire of God, The Cosmic Light Substance and the Great Host of Light have changed my Life Forever!

I am Eternally Grateful to be Honored to Radiate this Healing Light Service to all Life for the Eternal Victory of Light in this world which is the Eternal Perfection...

I have been prepared for this Healing Light Service since my childhood by my Beloved Teacher Saint Germain, Jesus the Christ, Beloved Mary the mother of Jesus, and I am a 100% "I AM" Student of Beloved Saint Germain and His Original Teachings and Activity, which is a Selfless Service to Life in order to Return mankind to God, and Establish the permanent Heaven on Earth.

I am here to Help these Cosmic Christ Beings and to those that wish to become Their "I AM" Students I will point the Way and lovingly sponsor them into the "I AM" Light, which is the Way of gaining the Momentum in Life's Mastery and one's Eternal Victory of Ascension. 

My Beloved Teacher Saint Germain is my Brother of Light who in one of His embodiments was Beloved Jesus' foster Father Beloved Joseph, and He is now in charge of giving Assistance in the Purification of this world through the action of the Holy Violet Flame Love for the Ascension of all mankind, America, the earth and all upon it into the Divine Plan of Light... When you join me here, you will be able to receive what is necessary for your Life Stream for your own Eternal Victory...I am here to help...

Dr. Mariana Light

Healed Relationships

Dr. Light's healing radiation, instruction, and support have helped me take action in every aspect of my life and apply the necessary steps to heal my relationship with my father after not talking to each other for over a decade and which seemed impossible that it was ever going to change for the better. Her guidance has empowered me to become closer and closer to my own Christ Self, my I AM Presence which is my God Individualized and has given me the key knowledge and confidence to apply it every day of my life. It has set me and my life free unto the pathway of Ascension and I am and will be forever grateful. 

I am very enthused about her offerings here, as truly there is nothing like it in this world in the way that comes through her. I have witnessed many of healings and help to humanity which are ''out of this world". To be part of this community means everything to me and words are not enough to express. It has to be experienced. Try joining this community she tends to, listen and apply and then observe your life change for better; and then make a pause for a week, and see how your very soul will crave this love and how your efforts to follow the steps she gives you will bring great changes that are only positive in your life. You will be pleasantly surprised.


Healing Light Service

I've been attending Dr. Light's healing light services regularly since 2023.  Her very presence is truly comforting and healing. This has helped me resolve so many issues in my life,  my health and even my finances. I was able to apply the instruction she gives to heal my chronic lower back problem and with her guidance in the change of my diet I was able to lower my blood sugar, my blood pressure and sustain this without any drugs. Not only that she has the vast knowledge on how to actualize the thriving health, but her guidance has brought about many positive changes in my work area for my financial gain. She teaches you which steps to make, how to practice those steps every day and how to heal not just your body, but your whole life. Being part of this community is a gift I gave to myself to grow and nurture myself in many years to come and be able to learn and expand my horizons away from distress of this world. She has taught me how to protect myself and how to clear my past life traumas in the way that is tangible. Her guidance helped to clear all misconceptions that were prevalent in my world, due to past spiritual beliefs and taught me how to connect with my source of life, how to recognize truth from that which is confusion. The technique of unveiling the truth works! She has showed me how to depend only on my source for guidance and how earn the assurance for my Ascension according to the Divine Plan. 


New Life Experience

Where to start? My mind and concepts about life were so clouded, my brain fog was a daily struggle and life was a mundane experience until I found Dr. Mariana's work and healing light. I started doing the instruction given for my own healing and would participate in her healing light services. This was a game changer for me and every day with this application I am mastering my life into better and better. I let go of so many of my lower tendencies and desires which she terms "human" as suppose to our "Divine" and which were a real setback looking back at my life a while ago in both my health and my finances. I got my marriage in divine order, got my partner to actually join me on this same pathway of raising our consciousness for the fulfillment of our divine plan individually and for our relationship and which at first seemed totally unobtainable before I started, so I am a living proof of the guidance given by Dr. Mariana Light and her love that has helped me heal. I am so very grateful that she has decided to open this platform and offer this work to more lucky people that will come this way. 


Practice your Sacred Fire Cosmic Light Union anytime, anyplace to become insulated from all discord and limitations of this world. Master Life! 

Let me teach you how to have nothing but Eternal Victory of Light in this world which otherwise can be full of trials and tribulations and how to Practice and gain such Momentum in this Knowing that you become the Healing Illumining Presence and Uplifting Light in your outer self, your world and all you contact!

Become the evidence that you seek...

watch on your mobile

Learn and Practice anytime, anywhere and become the proof!

Are you ready to live Eternal Victory of the Miracles of Life?

YES I AM! Join Here and Now